Automatic Mapping

What is Automatic Mapping?

Automatic Mapping is feature of Form Builder which identifies the data from input automatically and maps with appropriate fields like  question, description, type, etc.

Important Note: Automatic mapping is applicable only for importing from Google Sheets.

How Automatic Mapping works?

Form Builder looks for keywords in header. Example: description, if the sheet data headers have description keyword, Form Builder will automatically detect and select the description column from configuration.

Note: This feature is only applicable for Google Sheets data with headers.

To use Automatic Mapping follow the below steps .

Please check out the keywords that Form Builder looks for the below.

So if you have these keywords in your header, the corresponding property from the table below is identified automatically.






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Correct Answer

Correct Feedback

Incorrect Feedback

Correct URL

Incorrect URL

Sample Sheet data

Important Note: Automatic mapping is applicable only for importing from Google Sheets.