Form Builder for Slides


Setup Form Builder for Google Slides

Start Form Builder for Google Slides

To start Form Builder for Google Slides

Note: If you have not installed Form Builder for Slides yet, please refer to Installation for instructions

Load content from Google Slides

Consider that you have the questions/fields for the form in a Google Slide. And you want to build a Google Form using that data.

Prepare Google Form and Importing


Advanced Features

Customize Configuration

Before doing the actual import, you can (optionally) customize the configuration of any field/question that is listed

Click on the GEAR/ Settings icon in the list to open a comprehensive custom configuration GUI. You can mark a field as required,  change type, and set answer options using this custom configuration GUI

Configuration example:

Sample document

Sample Slides for Form Builder Plus

Sample output

Google Slides Formatting Rules and Tips

The Form Builder recognizes slide content in the following ways:

Enjoy simplified Google Form Building !